- Gentle Leaders (medium and large)
- Metal buckle collars (all sizes)
- Heavy-duty stuffed toys
- Nylabones and hard plastic toys
- Peanut Butter
- Pate style canned dog food
- Purina Dog food (green bag)
- Purina Puppy Chow (blue bag)
- Soft treats (Pup-Peroni, Beggin’ Strips, etc.)
- Large/Medium Fleece Blankets
- Bath towels
- Cat toys
- Catnip
- Cardboard scratching posts
- Canned cat or kitten food
- Chicken or turkey baby food (no added ingredients)
- Purina Kitten Food (yellow bag)
- Purina Cat Food (blue bag)
- Non-Clumping Cat Litter
- Small cat-size fleece blankets
- HE Laundry Detergent
- Paper towels
- Bleach
- 55-gallon trash bags
- Lipman mop heads
- Zip Ties
- Graffiti Remover for cage signs
- Computer Paper (8.5 x 11)
- Postage Stamps
- Two-Pocket folders
- Wite-Out
Items We Can Not Use
- large wire crates (we have built-in crates, so they cannot be used)
- used dog and cat beds
- stuffed pillows (the animals eat the stuffing)
- comforters or bedspreads (too large for kennels AND the washer)
- sheets (no cushioning and too large)
- dry dog or cat food that is not Purina brand
- leftover medications/prescriptions (due to DEA regulations, we are unable to accept or store them)
Wish List
If you’re hosting a supply drive or requesting donations instead of gifts for that special occasion, we’ve provided a PDF of our most needed items HERE. Plus, every Wednesday on our social media pages we feature our Wednesday Wish List with specific items we need for that week. Not able to drop off donations? Shop our lists at Amazon, Chewy, and Maddie's American Pet Products.